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How to Make Your International Removals As Successful As Possible
16Jul 2015

Moving house is such a stressful event in your life and it’s hard enough when you are moving within the same country. What about when you move to another country? International removals aren’t easy and require a great deal of hard work and thinking. You need to be super organized and prepared otherwise it’s going to be a complete mess. Here are some simple steps you can follow to make your removals as easy as possible. These are key tips – so don’t miss out on any of them.

1. Research
Your estate agent might be able to help you to a certain extent but it’s a good idea to do your own research on the country to which you are moving. If you have children, look into schools, and so on. There is a lot you will need to find out prior to moving. Look on forums and online communities to get advice from locals living in the area you are moving to. This will help a great deal and it will actually make the move a lot less stressful because it will put your mind at ease.

2. Sort out residency permits and visas
Obviously it depends on the country but generally, one fact remains the same: you’ll need either visas, residency permits or work permits. And sorting it out beforehand is much easier than trying to do it as soon as you get there, when you already have a lot on your plate. You need to sort this out in order to be able to open a bank account and register children for schools. The requirements obviously vary in each country so find out what is required in country. Either way, get them sorted as soon as you can.

3. Pets?
Whilst you are preparing your own visas, you should also be thinking about sorting out pet passports for your pets, if you have any. If you are taking your pets with you, sort out transport for them. It can be risky transporting your pets in quarantine so consider hiring a professional pet transport company who can transport your pets safely. Ask friends and family and see if they’ve had to do anything like that before. Moving can be very stressful for your pets – even more stressful than it is for you. So make sure you give them lots of love and treats.

4. Money exchanging
When you move to a new country, you will probably have to change currency. Banks don’t offer good rates on money exchange so it would be a better option to use a professional foreign exchange specialist. It will probably cost you a lot less.

5. Make contacts
Before you leave the UK to move abroad, make some good contacts in the other country. Do research online and find decent estate agents, language teachers, lawyers etc. It’s always good to know good contacts and provided that you do plenty of research, you should be able to find some decent contacts. It’s good to know people when you arrive in your new home.

6. Cancel subscriptions
Have you ordered any subscriptions? Make sure you change your address or cancel the subscription completely otherwise you’ll have to keep paying for something you no longer receive. 

Moving abroad isn’t always as smooth as you would like it to be. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible. You can make it a lot less stressful by following the easy tips above. There are lots of removal companies you can hire if you need professional help too. And that is advised!

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